First post!

I have this habit of documenting my life through writing in journals and taking pictures. I fear that once I get old and my memory starts to diminish, I'll forget all of the wonderful things that have happened during my lifetime. To me the human memory is not completely dependable, which is why keeping things on record is so important. So the next step for me in all of this is to keep a blog! It's a combination of both writing and pictures, so it's the best of both worlds. Hopefully I learn to take better pictures, and ultimately create amazing memories that I can look back on in the future. I'll try to post when I can because I'll mostly be busy being a senior in college.



  1. It makes me sad that one day we will forget so much of what brought us so much joy. Hope this blog will keep reminding you of the wonderful times in life!

  2. I believe this is a wonderful step in your lifelong journey :] It inspires me to create yet ANOTHER attempt at trying a blog/log/journal of my own haha ^^

    1. Do it! I will definitely follow if you make one! ^_^

  3. That's weird. Looks like I'm not blacklisted from your blog.
