In Case You Needed Some Motivation.

The twenties are a time of change. Graduating college, job searching, graduate school, traveling, etc. It's the decade where we are still young enough to do what we want and have the times of our lives, but old enough to understand we need to buckle down and really take a look at ourselves to see where our lives are heading. A lot of my friends and family are going through major life changes at the moment, each of which have struggles of their own, which is what inspired me to write this.

I for one, know that I'm strong-willed, or downright stubborn as others could put it. As much as I've learned about myself in college, I've acquired more knowledge of myself in this transitional period of my life post college. Take being unemployed for example, which I believe was one of the most difficult things to go through. It's during this time that everyone around you seems to be looking at you like you are a failure, as if you've gone through all of this schooling to not be able to land a job. To those of you who have yet to experience unemployment: being unemployed is a full time job in itself, a difficult one to say the least. You don't even get paid for this job, and the whole world seems to be asking you what you're currently doing with your life. However, unemployment tests you and your willpower. Going through unemployment feels like you're constantly trying to swim yourself out of a huge whirlpool but you keep getting sucked back into the center. Lame analogy, but you get the point. 

To my surprise, my constant failures during this time had fueled me to try even harder. This applies to anything that you're striving for in life. When I didn't get a job, I made sure I was applying to more as soon as I found out the bad news. If I got frustrated with my current situation in my career, I got myself into a bookstore or library and focused on taking steps towards changing it. When I failed, of course I would be upset at first. But understand that complaining about everything that is going wrong in your life does not change anything. Know that the work you are putting in now will pay off, and that you never will stop working for what you want in your life so you better get used to it sooner than later. Make a plan, write it down, and commit yourself 100%. Got it? I don't want any of that wishy-washy, "I'll get to it" nonsense.